Category: Eclipse

Eclipse dev Utils — open project/foler/file in system

Here is a small tool for opening resources in Eclipse in system navigator: The source is at:

Eclipse User Interface Guidelines

When developing Eclipse plug-ins it is recommended to follow the Eclipse User Interface Guidelines as described at  

Eclipse Adding License To Source Files

Eclipse provides a good tool for applies copy right headers to source files, it can also replace one ones if the file already contain a copyright header. The tool can be installed from the eclipse update site and is called:

Eclipse arguments

Here is a list of arguments Eclipse, including both command line arguments and properties: e.g: Changing the default workspace path through a property. If the property is set in the VM then Eclipse will detect that during load: -Dosgi.instance.area.default=@user.home/Documents/DestecsWorkspace

Findbugs plugin for Eclipse

Here is a nice plug-in to analysis Java code in Eclipse. It can detect known bad practises and known or possible null pointers, synchronization problems etc. Eclipse update site:

Debug Eclipse SWT: SWTError: No more handles

To debug the SWT Framework a tool called Sleak can be used, it is provided by SWT itself. Link to a guide about Sleak  The tool can be found at:

Enable Japanese characters in Windows and Eclipse

To enable the Japanese characters (Shift-JIS) the operation system needs to install the fonts. This is how to do it in Windows Xp: Install the fonts. This is done in the Regional Options under languages Select the Install files for

Eclipse spy and shortcuts

Eclipse Spy: Enables you to get information about what kind of e.g. window you are looking at in eclipse. This is useful if you be your self are developing plug-ins for eclipse. To invoke Eclipse spy: alt + shift +
